U.S. Army Europe and Africa “Stay Safe”
Safety, security and anti-terrorism resources for our community.
Unclassified Threat Situation (as of December 12, 2023)
This unclassified threat statement informs DOD elements and personnel under the U.S. Army Europe and Africa (USAREUR-AF) Force Protection area of responsibility (AOR) on the current threat situation.
As Europe enters the holiday season, the threat of inspired terrorist attacks remains significant. This season extends through mid-January 2024, ending with the Orthodox New Year. Though attacks would most likely target public venues, including, but not limited to, European holiday markets, there remains an enduring collateral threat to U.S. and DOD-affiliated personnel.
Transnational terrorist groups, state-sponsored terrorists, and those inspired by their propaganda continue to threaten Europe, Africa, and U.S. interests worldwide. Terrorists often target mass transit, tourist venues, sporting events, places of worship, police, and military forces. Lone wolf actors – those operating without direct guidance from violent extremist organizations (VEO) – act on their initiative and timelines, sometimes in response to events taking place outside of Europe or Africa. Unsophisticated plots by lone wolf terrorists and VEOs are difficult to detect, can occur with little or no warning, and may attempt to attack targets of opportunity, including, but not limited to, demonstrations, sporting and cultural events, religious observances, holiday markets, and other public gatherings.
PARIS—Europe’s security services are confronting a resurgence of terrorism threats, in a sign of how fallout from the Israel-Hamas war is rippling across the West.
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