Aer Lingus airline’s Pilots voted 99% in favour of action in support of a 24% pay claim
19 June2024
At one minute past midnight on Wednesday 24 June, pilots working for Aer Lingus will begin “a strict work to rule” in their pursuit of a pay claim.
While stopping well short of a strike, the industrial action will involve pilots refusing any flexibility with their work.
The Irish Airline Pilots’ Association (Ialpa) says the action will result in its members:
- “Not working overtime, or any other out of hours duties requested by management
- “Only working the published rosters and not accepting or working any amendments to published rosters
- “Not logging into the Aer Lingus portal or ‘e-crew’ [an online rostering system] outside of work hours.
- “Not answering phone calls outside of work hours.”
Aer Lingus says the action “will inevitably result in significant disruption to our customers”.
最新記事 by 村松社長 (全て見る)
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