TSA PreCheck®(TSA事前審査プログラム)について
TSA PreCheck®は、米国国土安全保障省(DHS)の米国運輸保安局(TSA)が運営する事前検査プログラム、事前にTSAから承認を受けた 旅行者に対し、米国加盟空港出発時、保安検査の簡略化・迅速化な対応をする有料プログラムです
- 米国市民および永住権保有者は、運輸保安庁公式サイトにてTSA PreCheck®を申請し、Known Traveler Number(KTN)を取得できます。
- ➡︎米国市民でない旅行者は、国土安全保障省(DHS)のトラステッドトラベラープログラムをご利用ください。これには米国税関・国境警備局(CBP)が運営する
- Global Entry
- があります(各プログラム詳細・対象者はCBPホームページを) 登録後、KTNに相当する9桁のPASS IDが発行されます。
- TSA PreCheck®有資格者(米国市民、米国永住権保持者のみ申請可能)
- 米国税関・国境取締局(CBP)が運営するトラステッドトラベラープログラム*1参加者のうち以下に該当する旅行者
- Global Entry*2有資格者
- NEXUS*3の資格を有するカナダ国民、米国市民、米国永住権保持者
- SENTRI*4の資格を有する米国市民、米国永住権保有者
- 米国国防総省関係者
- * 1
CBPから事前に承認を受けたお客様に対して、出入国などの手続きの迅速化、簡略化を行う事前審査プログラム➡︎日本人は以下のグローバル・エントリープログラムで登録* 2
Global Entry
対象国籍はCBPのウェブサイトをご参照ください。(英語のみ) - * 3
(米国市民、カナダ市民、米永住権保持者のみ申請可能) - * 4
Global Entry for Citizens of Japan
How to Apply for Global Entry
Citizens of Japan can apply for Global Entry (GE) through U.S. Custom and Border Protection’s (CBP) Trusted Traveler Programs (TTP) website.
Application Process
- Apply Online: Complete a TTP online application and pay the $100 non-refundable application fee. Your application will be vetted by the competent authorities of the United States of America and Japan to assess whether your application is deemed eligible. Applicants must be at least 14 years of age without any previous conviction records. Japanese applicants under the age of 18 must have the consent of a parent or legal guardian to participate in the program. A promotional code is required to complete the Global Entry application. To obtain a promotional code simply send an email to JapanCBPGlobalEntry@state.gov.
- Initial applicants: At this time, please do not email the GE office for promotional codes. System enhancements to allow additional initial applications to be received by CBP for first-time Japanese Global Entry applicants are currently in development. As such, no new GE applications for Japanese citizens will be processed until further notice.
- Renewing members: To receive your promotional code, renewing GE members must include your PASSID in the subject line of your correspondence with the above email address. Example: Promotional Code for PASSID: 123456789; Last name, First name
- Provide information to Japan Immigration Bureau (JIB): After the GE application is submitted via the TTP website, applicants must submit a copy of their family register, koseki. JIB may contact applicants during the vetting process for Global Entry enrollment so please pay attention to the following information in the application:
- Phone No.: Please enter a weekday phone number at which the applicant can be contacted during Japan local time.
- Email Address: Please set up your email to accept email from the domain “@i.moj.go.jp”.
- Address: If the applicant’s current address is different from the mailing address or if the current address is overseas but the applicant has a mailing address in Japan, please enter the additional address in the “Mailing Address” field.
Applicants who have submitted the application via the TTP website must send a copy of their family register (original only) to the following address by simple registered mail (Kani-kakitome) no later than 30 days after receiving their PASSID from CBP:
〒 108-82555-5-30, Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo-to
Inspection Coordination Department (GEP Personnel)
Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau
- Submit a copy of the applicant’s family register that was issued within the past three months.
- Write the PASSID in pencil in the upper right-hand margin of the family register copy. A PASSID will be received after finishing the application is submitted via the TTP website.
Additional copies of family registers may be necessary in some circumstances when the Chinese characters (kanji) of the name and/or legal address needs to be confirmed. If additional copies of family registers are requested by Inspection Coordination Department of Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau, please send them to the above address (Inspection Coordination Department (GEP Personnel), Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau).
The contact information for submission of the family register copy is as follows:
Inspection Coordination Department (GEP Personnel)Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau
TEL: 0570-034259 (Inspection Coordination Department: Ext. 210) (IP Phone or International Calls: 03-5796-7234) Office hours: 9:00 am ~ 5:00 pm, Japan Local Time, except Saturday, Sunday and Holidays
- Schedule an Interview: Once your application is reviewed, you will receive a message in your TTP account instructing you to schedule an interview at one of the Global Entry Enrollment Centers . If you are unable to schedule an in-person interview, you may opt to use the Enrollment on Arrival (EoA) option that is immediately available upon arrival to the U.S. aboard an international flight. No appointment is required for the EoA process. Additional information regarding EoA is available on the Enrollment on Arrival website.
- Interview determines your eligibility: A U.S. Customs Border Protection officer will ask you questions, take your photo, and collect your fingerprints.
- Provide Identification: Bring your valid passport(s) and one other form of identification, such as a driver’s license or ID card to the interview. If you are a lawful permanent resident, you must present your permanent resident card.
Maintaining Global Entry Membership
Membership in the Global Entry program is valid for five years. Once approved, Global Entry members interested in maintaining benefits beyond five years must submit a renewal application through the TTP website prior to the membership expiration date. A promotional code is also required to complete the renewal application and can be obtained via an email to JapanCBPGlobalEntry@state.gov.
Other Benefits
Since GE cards are only necessary at land border crossings, citizens of Japan enrolled in Global Entry do not receive a Global Entry card but are eligible to participate in Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) Precheck for air travel throughout the United States. Visit the TSA Precheck Program website for more information.
Travel Requirements
All Japanese Global Entry members must have a valid passport and a valid visa or approved Electronic System for Travel Authorization’s (ESTA) application to receive Global Entry benefits and must maintain updated passport/visa information with CBP. If you obtain a new visa, or obtain a new passport, you must notify CBP either through your account dashboard or in-person at a Global Entry enrollment center. If the visa information is incomplete or not properly updated by CBP, the Global Entry kiosk may incorrectly calculate your class of admission and admission date.
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