IATA(International Air Transport Association:国際航空運送協会:通称:イアタ)今や、その存在の耐えらない軽さになってしまったメージャー航空会社の加盟する業界団体、LCC航空会社で加入している航空会社はないとの認識です?!(間違っていたら御免なさい)


かつての主は存在価値は、公示運賃(normal fare)と呼ばれた航空運賃の策定・決定、その運賃の運用規則を航空会社間で擦りわせて運用させる団体だったので、その任務は重要だった、しかし近年航空会社の競争激化によりIATAが決めた運賃では競争に負けると 各航空会社が勝手に決めた価格訴求運賃(purchase excursion  fare;通称:carrier pax fare)の出現で益々その存在意味が問われています






Statement on Imposition of Travel Restrictions for Travelers from China


Several countries are introducing COVID-19 testing and other measures for travellers from China, even though the virus is already circulating widely within their borders. It is extremely disappointing to see this knee-jerk reinstatement of measures that have proven ineffective over the last three years.


Research undertaken around the arrival of the Omicron variant concluded that putting barriers in the way of travel made no difference to the peak spread of infections. At most, restrictions delayed that peak by a few days. If a new variant emerges in any part of the world, the same situation would be expected.

That’s why governments should listen to the advice of experts, including the WHO, that advise against travel restrictions.

We have the tools to manage COVID-19 without resorting to ineffective measures that cut off international connectivity, damage economies and destroy jobs. Governments must base their decisions on ‘science facts’ rather than ‘science politics’.


While China has significantly eased border measures, I urge the Chinese government to remove the need for pre-departure COVID-19 testing for those traveling to China.”

Willie Walsh

IATA Director General





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